Saturday, September 24, 2005

SOTA Street Fighter Toy Line Update# 2

Source: Action-Figure SOTA Forum.

Jerry Macaluso, President/founder Of SOTA Toys wrote:

- Things are going so much smoother in china right now..I should be able to give a date when Street fighter 3 will hit shelves soon. And it should be pretty accurate.

- Round 4 variants.. I believe theres a thread started by Corner Store Comics giving the variants. There are still 2 variants not yet announced but they will be SOTA webstore exclusives. Corner Store is not joking when they say we are only making between 500-1000 of each variant so they are going to go real quick. Also as they said SHIN AKUMA will be a one per case chase figure.

- Everyone here at SOTA plus Capcom has a say in what the variant colors will be.. we do look at this forum a lot to decide.

- Trans Birdie is red

- There has been work done to Remy. Probably wont show him again until November sometime

- Round 6 voting is pushed until Nov 1st - Green Balrog.. I cant figure this one out. I dont believe we made a green balrog..I believe hes yellow. - Not sure if we will offer a vote on thin Bison/Alpha chunner on round 6 or not....

- Black Gen will only be available through the SOTA website and I believe theres less than 500 of them coming.

- As for doing SF animated/ova figures.. we try to blend all the different SF styles into this one line. I dont think the market could handle a purely Anime style right now

- Capcom merging or being bought out has no affect on us.

- ... do i think we will see every single SF and DS character... its tough. Oil prices are through the roof..plastic and shipping costs are way too high. If it continiues Im not 100% sure anymore...I think if it contonues you will see a lot less toys made in general. Having said that Im certainly going to try and amke them all. Im positive you will at the very least see a round 7. Hopefully by then everything has stablizied.

- Darkstalkers will always be 4 fig per wave

- I havent thought about round 6 voting yet (which is why its not happening Oct 1)..but you might see Urien in there. Other q's about him will have to wait until hes selected.

- no plans for any more Blankas

- The plan for SF and DS has always been every 4 months. I just cant seem to keep to it

- I appreciate all the fans who come here to talk about the figures. Its fun. I dont mind the criticisms when they come. SOTA is a fan built company...its amazing we came this far so fast. Its because of the would be extremely arrogant of me to think that not that we have some success i can ignore them. I get busy at times but Im always looking through here

- My fav character thus far changes all the time but right now it is.....Sagat. I just have too much fun posing him.

- Oro is my most wanted..but he never seems to win

- Theres no science behind how we choose characters for voting...its me and the art dept in a room throwing ideas around.. seeing which ones match and which ones we need to leave for later lines. And of course we look at the threads here at Action-Figure SOTA Forum.